How to play Table Tennis forehand counter Skill.

Forehand counter Skill 

If you are referring to developing a forehand counter skill in table tennis, it involves hitting the ball on the rise after your opponent's attack, using their speed against them. This skill is important for keeping the pressure on your opponent and maintaining an offensive position in the game. To start learning and improving your forehand counter skill, follow these steps:

1. **Understand the Basics:**
   - Grip your racket correctly, using either a shakehand or penhold grip, whichever you are comfortable with.
   - Adopt a balanced, ready position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
   - Bend your knees slightly and stay on the balls of your feet to move quickly.

2. **Forehand Stroke Fundamentals:**
   - Make sure you have a solid basic forehand drive technique.
   - Practice your stroke without the ball to get the right feel for the motion.
   - Your stroke should start with your racket below the ball and finish across your body at about shoulder height.

3. **Shadow Drills:**
   - Perform shadow drills to practice the forehand counterhit motion without the ball.
   - Focus on footwork and proper weight transfer from the back foot to the front foot as you simulate the stroke.

4. **Controlled Ball Feeding:**
   - Have a training partner or coach feed you consistent forehand topspin balls.
   - Practice countering these balls with a stable and controlled forehand drive.

5. **Incremental Speed Increase:**
   - Gradually increase the speed and power of your strokes as you become more consistent.
   - Work on returning the ball faster while maintaining control.

6. **Footwork Drills:**
   - Incorporate side-to-side footwork drills to improve your ability to reach and counter hit balls across the forehand side.
   - Practice moving quickly to the ball, setting up, and executing the counterhit.

7. **Timing Practice:**
   - Work on hitting the ball at the top of the bounce or slightly before the peak (on the rise) to counter effectively.
   - This timing allows you to use the opponent's spin and speed to your advantage.

8. **Use Multi-Ball Training:**
   - Multi-ball training can be an effective way to improve your counterhit under varying conditions.
   - Have your coach or training partner feed you balls of different speed, spin, and placement to simulate real game situations.

9. **Match Practice:**
   - Incorporate the forehand counterhit into your matches.
   - Use it when you anticipate a topspin ball to your forehand side, and aim to place the ball strategically.

10. **Analyze and Adjust:**
    - Record your practice sessions and matches to analyze your technique and timing.
    - Work with a coach to identify any technical issues and make necessary adjustments.

Remember, mastering the forehand counterhit takes time and consistent practice. Focus on technique and control before adding speed and power. As you progress, you'll be able to counterhit more effectively during games, turning your opponent's attacks into opportunities for your own aggressive play.

For more details go to these video.


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