
Showing posts from July, 2024

Fundamental skill of Backhand push in table tennis

 In table tennis, the backhand push is an essential stroke that may be utilized to counterattack and negate an opponent's onslaught. The following are the essential abilities for a successful backhand push: 1. Posture and stance: Place your racket in front of your body, your feet shoulder-width apart, and your body well balanced. 2. Racket angle: Hold the racket with its face facing the net and hold it at a slightly closed angle. 3. Contact point: Using the backhand side of the racket, make contact with the ball at the top of the bounce. 4. Wrist and forearm: To produce power and control, use your wrists and forearms firmly. 5. Arm movement: Make a smooth, pendulum-like motion by moving your arm forward and downward. 6. Follow-through: Maintain the racket in front of your body by following through with your arm. 7. Spin and speed: To make the ball drop short or float deep, use backspin and regulate the pace. 8. Placement: To make it harder for the opposition to attack, aim for thei

what is the different between Individual coaching and group coaching in table tennis.

  Individual coaching and group coaching are both valuable approaches in teaching kids table tennis, each with its own benefits. Here are some key differences between individual coaching and group coaching for kids in table tennis: 1. * Individual Coaching*:    - *Personalized attention*: In individual coaching, the coach can focus solely on the child, providing personalized feedback and instruction tailored to the child's specific needs and skill level.    - *Faster progress*: With one-on-one attention, the coach can address the child's weaknesses and help them improve more quickly than in a group setting.    - *Customized training*: Individual coaching allows for a customized training plan that is specific to the child's goals and areas for improvement.    - *Better focus*: The child can concentrate fully on their training without distractions from other players. 2.  *Group Coaching*:    - *Social interaction*: Group coaching provides opportunities for kids to interact wi

What is the draw back or over physical exercise on human body

 While regular physical exercise is essential for overall health, overexertion or excessive physical activity can have negative effects on the human body. Some drawbacks of over physical exercise include: 1. Injury risk: Overuse or repetitive strain can lead to injuries like muscle tears, tendonitis, or stress fractures. 2. Burnout and fatigue: Excessive exercise can cause physical and mental exhaustion, leading to decreased performance and motivation. 3. Overtraining syndrome: Prolonged intense training can result in hormonal imbalances, decreased immunity, and cardiovascular problems. 4. Joint wear and tear: Excessive impact or repetitive stress can lead to joint pain, degeneration, or osteoarthritis. 5. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance: Inadequate fluid intake or excessive sweating can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and heat-related illnesses. 6. Cardiovascular strain: Excessive intense exercise can put excessive strain on the heart, leading to cardiovascular proble

Skill of forehand push in Table Tennis

 Skill of forehand push in Table Tennis The forehand push is a fundamental stroke in table tennis, used to neutralize an opponent's attack and create opportunities for counter-attacks. Here are some key skills and tips to master the forehand push: 1. Stance and positioning: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, body balanced evenly, and racket held in front of your body. 2. Racket angle: Hold the racket at a slightly closed angle, with the face pointing towards the net. 3. Contact point: Make contact with the ball at the top of the bounce, using the forehand side of the racket. 4. Wrist and forearm: Use a firm wrist and forearm to generate power and control. 5. Arm movement: Move your arm forward and downward, using a smooth, pendulum-like motion. 6. Follow-through: Follow through with your arm, keeping the racket in front of your body. 7. Spin and speed: Impart backspin and control the speed to make the ball drop short or float deep. 8. Placement: Aim for the opponent's b

Error Made By Advance level players in Backhand counter in table tennis

 Error Made By Advance level players in Backhand counter in table tennis  Even advanced level players can make mistakes in table tennis, especially when it comes to backhand counters. Here are some common errors to watch out for: 1. Late contact: Making contact with the ball too late, resulting in a weak or high return. 2. Inconsistent footwork: Failing to move into position or shuffling instead of using small steps, leading to poor balance and timing. 3. Racket angle: Holding the racket too open or closed, causing the ball to sail long or pop up short. 4. Wrist movement: Using too much wrist or forearm, resulting in a loss of control and consistency. 5. Not reading the spin: Failing to recognize the type and amount of spin on the incoming ball, leading to incorrect racket angle or contact point. 6. Overreliance on power: Trying to hit the ball too hard, resulting in errors and loss of control. 7. Not using the body: Failing to generate power from the legs and core, leading to weak ret